Big Data

Big Data

IT systems generate, process, analyze with an ever-increasing flow. At DFM-Europe, dedicated teams provide their expertise on efficient data management…
Data collection phase (batch or realtime):
  • Expertise on Talend BigData Platforms for data collection from different multi-format sources (database, flat file, xml file, json file, etc.) to distributed storage,
  • This platform offers a large number of connectors to interface with complex systems such as SAP, SalesForce, Facebook, Twitter and to the Cloud such as AWS, Azure,
  • It provides simplicity and ensures scalability. The Data collected, transformed and aggregated in a Data Lake, for example, a concept of “repository” distributes.
Data refinement phase:
  • Use of tools like Talend Data Quality Management, Talend
  • Master Data Management (MDM)
  • Eliminate data redundancy, inconsistent data…,
  • Produce a reliable and accurate repository of data.